The Ritual of Birth

The birth of a child is an incredibly defining moment. When a soul crosses the bridge of consciousness and arrives earth side a monumental transformation is occurring. When this is the first born child in a family, a child is not only being born, but the birth of two parents is taking place simultaneously. The transition to birthing children in a hospital setting has …

Traps on the Path

On the path of spiritual awakening there are certain traps or distractions that can end up getting us stuck. These traps aren’t necessarily a bad thing, all experiences eventually lead to growth, but it is helpful to label these phenomenon in order to better understand what is delaying our progress. Control Issues One trap that …

Life Experiences

Whether we like it or not we all are consciously, and subconsciously, drawing experiences into our lives. These experiences can be viewed as positive or negative but, in truth, they are all positive because they encourage growth. This concept has been explored a bit in our mainstream culture through books like, “The Secret.” Although we …