Life Purpose- Filling Yourself Up

There is an old template that we continue to follow that keeps us in a slavery mindset. It is the belief that in order to serve others we must come from a place of lack. The idea that there must be some form of a sacrifice in order to demonstrate a true act of love and kindness. In this paradigm comes the crucifixion of self in our constant effort to achieve altruism.

Are we ever truly free of our egotistical quest for self indulgence? What makes an individual capable of an act that comes from pure, unconditional love?

When we strive to be the martyr an inner resentment can build up within us because we are incapable of filling up the cup of others when we are running on empty; we can’t show love if we don’t have self love. This punishment stems from deep-seated belief systems at the very core of both the masculine and feminine energy collective. The masculine energy has been programmed to be the provider who endures while the feminine energy pleases relentlessly. We battle these polarities internally while our burning desires are cast to the wayside.

Now we all do have karmic debt that we pay in order to unlock the inner wisdom within ourselves. As we pass our tests a clarity begins to break through all the chaos and a natural order beings to appear. When we move closer to alignment we can begin to see that most of our actions are not conscious, we are not free. We are caught in cycles of karma and archetypal struggles.

Eventually we reach a point where it is time to repair the damage we have taken on our pursuit to become whole. As we practice self love, we send out a call to the fragmented pieces of our soul to come into oneness.

It is through the inner work, facing our fears, trials, and shadows head on, that we can achieve a worthiness that emanates from our higher self; rather than a superficial form that originates from the lower ego. The lower ego needs external validation which is why we get trapped in cycles of giving away our time, energy, and power so that we can label ourselves as the “good child/spouse/parent/friend/neighbor/employee/citizen.”

A love that moves past karmic debt and contracts gives way to our life purpose. We can then observe all of the confusion or our past experiences differently; making sense of the why behind the circumstances which unfolded throughout our life.

The greatest service we can provide for the universe is to honor our own unique passions. We fill up our own cup with love until it overflows, naturally spilling into the openings of those around us. It is when we respect ourselves, setting necessary boundaries while meeting the needs of our soul, that we are truly capable of offering more to others. When we live our passions and truth we unlock the ability to love deeply. We move past neediness, co-dependency, and traditional romantic and familial love; embracing the ability to love all the universe as a part of our own being.

Our main mission here on earth is to remember who we are and what we came here to do. This level of authenticity and accountability takes courage and perseverance because we are always encountering detours that allow us to sink into a comfort zone and forget. We all have a specific purpose that will serve the greater good, but the essence of our journeys are all the same, to achieve a self love that permeates our individuality and spreads throughout humanity. We raise our frequency in order to elevate the entire collective.


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